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How to Change the Color of Hydrangeas with Coffee Grounds

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Did you know that you can change the color of hydrangeas with coffee grounds? It won’t happen overnight, but you can slowly change their color by digging a hole and sprinkling some leftover grounds into the soil.  Coffee grounds will make the soil more acidic, producing a lavender-blue or blue flower.  This process will happen gradually and often can create shades of purple that slowly turn into blue.  You can start with a pink or purple hydrangea bush, apply the grounds and see what colors emerge! This is a very fun experiment!

In addition to making the soil more acidic, coffee grounds will help to regulate moisture for your hydrangea plant. There are other plants that love acidic soil too including rhododendrons, azaleas, camellias, evergreens, blueberries, raspberries, strawberries & potatoes.  Hydrangeas are the only ones that will change colors, though. If you don’t drink coffee and still want to change the color of your hydrangeas from pink to blue you can try an organic blueberry fertilizer. Many fertilizers are now available zero waste with no plastic packaging. 
If you do not yet own a hydrangea bush you can easily create one from a cutting!

Tips: It can sometimes take a full growing season to notice a difference in the color of your hydrangeas, so be patient! Sprinkling coffee grounds on top of the soil will change the color but it can also create mold.  Try digging a hole and sprinkling the grounds into that, instead. White hydrangeas won’t turn blue if you sprinkle coffee grounds on them, but it will change the color of hydrangeas from green to white!

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