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The Most Dazzling Plant Mister You’ve Ever Seen

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For plants that require humidity in addition to water, plant misters are a must! Most plants love being spritzed, especially indoor plants. Indoor plants usually don’t get as much humidity as they would if they were outside, so spritzing them with a plant mister can help to ensure they thrive.

Did you know that nearly every single plant mister on the market contains plastic parts? Often times the tops and nozzles have been painted to look like metal, but are actually plastic. These cheap plastic parts do not last long.  This means that indoor gardeners must purchase this item several times a year.

Birchwood & Moss has created a high-quality luxurious zero waste spray bottle that is plastic-free and made out of brass parts.  The craftsmanship is so exquisite that you will want to keep this mister out on display in your home. You will never come across a mister as beautiful as this one.  Its design is absolutely exquisite and its eco-friendly materials are meant to last a lifetime. The Birchwood & Moss mister comes with a warranty and a place to register your plant mister.  They even have a beautiful art deco style logo embossed on the bottle of each custom made item.

Tips: if possible, it is best to mist plants in the morning so that their leaves have time to dry throughout the day. You can mist both sides of the leaves to help protect against insects such as spider mites.  You can also use your plant mister as a spray bottle around the house, for zero waste cleaning.  Be sure to rinse it out afterward and dry the metal parts. Vinegar can be especially harsh on spray bottles, so always remember to rinse the vinegar out and clear the nozzle of any residue before storing it.

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